About Us

Your Hosts, the Fox Family

The Bitterroot was established as a guest and working ranch in 1971 by Bayard Fox. Bayard, his wife Mel and their son and daughter-in-law, Richard and Hadley, have sought ever since to create an outstanding horseback riding vacation that is unique among dude ranches. All four love horses and have been riding since early childhood. They also own Equitours Worldwide Horseback Riding Vacations and ride all over the world when the ranch is closed for the winter. These experiences have given them many insights into the best ways to run a riding program for your maximum safety and enjoyment. Bayard passed away in September, 2024, but his legacy lives on.

The family, Richard, Mel, Hadley and Bayard Fox, out for an evening ride together.


Our Backgrounds

The ambiance at the ranch reflects the international backgrounds of its owners who nevertheless revere many of the old traditions of the West.


Bayard Fox

Bayard Fox is a Yale graduate who is widely traveled and speaks several languages. His second sport is fly fishing which is excellent in this part of Wyoming.

Mel Fox

Mel Fox was raised in East Africa on a farm below Mt. Kilimanjaro. She spent five years working in a national park in Kenya and inspired the first Equitours foreign horseback riding tour in that country in 1978, an experience that remains magnificent. Mel’s special passion is raising and training purebred Arabian horses.

Richard Fox

Richard Fox grew up on the ranch and for many winters spent time with his grandparents in Kenya where he guided riding safaris before returning to Wyoming full time. These days he leads pack trips and manages the family cattle and farming operations.

Hadley Fox

Hadley Fox, also a Yale graduate, was born and raised with horses in North Carolina. She has been a wonderful addition to the family business and in addition to managing the barn, leading rides and teaching lessons, she also handles bookings for the ranch.