Visit the website of our sister company, Equitours, for some helpful ideas on how to get in shape for your riding vacation.
–An article by Marion Shearer, TTEAM Practitioner Level 3, Ontario, Canada It was my first trip to Wyoming and I was looking forward to attending a TTEAM (Tellington-Touch Equine Awareness Method) Clinic with Linda Tellington-Jones to be held at the Bitterroot Ranch. Landing at the Old West town of Jackson Hole, nestled at the base…
“The Complete Guide to Endurance Riding and Competition” Donna Snyder-Smith’s book offers training insights and insider information on the new and dynamic sport of endurance riding. It is a valuable resource for pleasure, competitive trail, and experienced endurance riders alike. Non-riders (family or friends), who have volunteered or been drafted to serve in the capacity…
All content and images © 2025 Bitterroot Ranch | Licensed Permittee of the Shoshone National Forest