In the summer of 2014 a German TV crew visited the Bitterroot Ranch with TV star Ingo Zamperoni for our annual cattle drive into the Wyoming mountains. Warning, the show is in German but even if you don’t speak the language the footage is still entertaining. Watch all three clips below to view the full…
The snow is starting to melt at the ranch and we are getting excited for the coming season. The summer crew will arrive in a week and on the 25th of May the first guests arrive! There is always much to be done at this time of year. We have started to move the cattle…
The last two cows and their calves finally came home a month after we first started gathering. The weather continued fairly warm through most of October and missing cows trickled out of the forest. We also tried long horse and 4 wheeler rides outside our permit area and found a few. The end count was…
A couple of weeks ago Richard and I went down to the farm on a Sunday for a marathon day. Our goals were ambitious: 1. Catch riding horses, tack them up and trailer them over to the field that (hopefully) houses the Team Sorters (shock of shocks– they’ve been escaping recently!). FYI: Team Sorting is…
Branding is a very social event in Wyoming. Ranchers often make a party out of branding day by having a cook-out and inviting friends and family to take part. These ranchers frequently ride horseback and rope their calves in order to brand them. Doing it this way requires a lot of people and some very…
On Wednesday Richard and I, along with Bob and Jim (the two men who work for us year-round at the farm), processed the heifers. To give you a feel for the day, you need to meet my “heifer processing” teammates (at least, you need to meet them photographically!). And, yes, “heifer processing” is unquestionably a…
All content and images © 2025 Bitterroot Ranch | Licensed Permittee of the Shoshone National Forest