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The water rushes out of a deep gorge above the ranch; the pools get bigger and the water moves more slowly as it passes through our two miles of private water before entering another gorge below. It is full of wild, unsophisticated cutthroat trout which take a well presented fly readily.
The riding and fishing were among the most memorable we’ve done and the setting is so beautiful. –Ed Colby and Jennifer O’Malony, CA

In the past few years the Ranch has done extensive work in conjunction with the Wyoming G&F and TU to enhance trout habitat and improve the spawning potential in two small streams which traverse the property. This should further improve the phenomenal fishing in the coming years.
Watch a video produced by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department about fishing on the East Fork of the Wind River.

Read Bayard’s more in depth description of the ranch fishing opportunities.

Read an article from 2016 about fishing at and around the ranch:
Written by two very experienced German fly fishermen who operate the Royal Fly Fishing Shop in Bavaria the piece gives extremely detailed information about the different fishing possibilities here and the techniques used for success.